Take Time to Smell the Farts

One of the simpler laws of physics must surely state:

The linear nature of time requires regular interruption via intense bursts of juvenile hilarity and all accompanying aromas, otherwise, within a blink of an eye, you become a proverbial boring old fart yourself.

One of the simpler laws of physics must surely state:

The linear nature of time requires regular interruption via intense bursts of juvenile hilarity and all accompanying aromas, otherwise, within a blink of an eye, you become a proverbial boring old fart yourself.

To poorly paraphrase Shakespeare (and doubtless misinterpret his thoughts on honour and perseverance), in Troilus and Cressida, Ulysses speaks such, ‘Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back, wherein he puts alms for oblivion’.

Very apt, when interpreted as ‘Get the craic, every day, for you are a long time dead’.

From Shakespeare to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, such implicit debate of what is essential in human life and what is only existential are themes that are, perhaps more relevant now, than at any other time in our history.



As life conspires against us, particularly in this age of neo-populism, not so subtly demanding we display greater allegiance, ever-increasing productivity, and decreasing acceptance of others, sugar coating all with a generous helping of palpable fear, we must rail against this with the most strident voice, rumblings abdominal and gaseous discharges.

Good old fashioned lavatorial humour is the food of love and life.

Take time to fart around…

… express your juvenility, forcibly share aromas, both nasty and nice (?), get the craic with others, seek out both social interaction and mindful moments.

The ethos of Kurt Vonnegut runs deep at Carbon Fartprint, we have varied mottos; a fine one being ‘We aim at nothing, and we seldom miss’.

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